
The New "Religion"

I have known for awhile about scientology, and its practices, but I just now have had the realization that its getting scary, and is really more far-reaching than I originally thought.
I really was thinking that this was a mere fad. Something that would come, blossom, and then die quickly, without more than the occasional interest or jab from the media and entertainment industry.
Well, while I was watching T.V. last night, I came across a well done commercial... (You can find the rest of them here http://www.scientology.org/) that spoke of the benefits of Scientology and the search for the truth.

I laid there in mild shock for some bit of time, then was reduced to giggles. Really, I was pretty amazed that they are actually going to try and reach the mainstream people of late night T.V. and expect this to be accepted.

Now, as I sit and type this, I find myself really thinking "Why would I not expect this?" I mean, really... Our society has been dumbed down as much lately, they should really be at the point now where they are going to eat this stuff up, and leave en mass to go and get "Audited", taking advantage of the "E-Meter" on their way to reaching perfection.
Thats the message they are communicating in such a way as to make it look like just good old fashioned values, and that it is not tied up in a very weird and twisted cult-like organization dressing up to be a "religion"...

Come on.


Above - Demonstration of an E-Meter in use

References www.Scientology.org & www.wikepedia.com

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have more to ad to this post later. Work in progess.
