
Some artwork.

Ok... I have tracked down some older stuff I have done, with a few exceptions...

The Following two are new. The rest are older.
Top ferris wheel photo courtesy of http://eva425.deviantart.com/

Why I am a designer...

The title should be "Why am I a designer?"

Because right now, I don't know what made me choose this path.

On another note...

Are you a deviant? This a question for anyone that fancies themselves an artist, designer, photographer, or any sort of "artist".

This site comes very in handy in the best of moments.

Among other helpful things for the artist, I would really recommend these two following books.

And here is the other one


Do you know?

Do you know how long its been since I was happy with life? Its been a very long time.

The body, the activity of the human brain is merely a physical phenomenon caused by synapses delivering electrical impulses.
The body exists only to verify one's own existence, to die is merely to abandon the flesh...

a birth certificate shows you were born, a death certificate shows you died, a photo album shos you lived...and I am done taking photos.

This is something written by someone. I dont know who.
Its interesting that different people have a complete different outlook on where life is going, and even why life is something we have.
I am one of those people that believe in the devine purpose.
Not one of the belief that we are here purely by chance.

We do have a purpose. We do have a path.

It remains cloudy for all, and we will never be really able to fortell the future and our paths, and what that looks like, but we can have a better understanding of it all.

The New "Religion"

I have known for awhile about scientology, and its practices, but I just now have had the realization that its getting scary, and is really more far-reaching than I originally thought.
I really was thinking that this was a mere fad. Something that would come, blossom, and then die quickly, without more than the occasional interest or jab from the media and entertainment industry.
Well, while I was watching T.V. last night, I came across a well done commercial... (You can find the rest of them here http://www.scientology.org/) that spoke of the benefits of Scientology and the search for the truth.

I laid there in mild shock for some bit of time, then was reduced to giggles. Really, I was pretty amazed that they are actually going to try and reach the mainstream people of late night T.V. and expect this to be accepted.

Now, as I sit and type this, I find myself really thinking "Why would I not expect this?" I mean, really... Our society has been dumbed down as much lately, they should really be at the point now where they are going to eat this stuff up, and leave en mass to go and get "Audited", taking advantage of the "E-Meter" on their way to reaching perfection.
Thats the message they are communicating in such a way as to make it look like just good old fashioned values, and that it is not tied up in a very weird and twisted cult-like organization dressing up to be a "religion"...

Come on.


Above - Demonstration of an E-Meter in use

References www.Scientology.org & www.wikepedia.com

One down...

Finalized this today -
You can visit her profile at

Thursday Blues

Still sick. Hungry. Could not sleep last night.

I tried so hard to sleep, but my ribs are really hurting because of my cough. My cough, when it gets bad, really tears up my ribs. For those of you who don't know, I suffer from a chest deformity that causes my ribs to become more and more bent as I have gotten older. Its nothing very serious, but it does cause a lot of discomfort.

Now, lets see what I have to do today...

I will make a list and see what I get straightened out.

Email Problems 2.0

I think I may have figured out the email problem.

I had recently activated a Google Labs feature... "Offline Mail".

Not a good thing, apparently...

I think this is the reason behind the clog in the pipes. I have turned off the feature, and I hope this leads to my problem being fixed. You would think that Google Tech Support would have been more aware of the probability of this being the problem.

Apologies to all who have had problems receiving my emails.

Blame it on google. :)


Email problems

I have for the past several weeks now been suffering from bouts of my emails not sending.

This is horrible, considering I have clients I am TRYING to send emails to.

I contacted gmail, and they supposedly fixed everything awhile back. I signed on to my email today, and checked with several clients on the status of my sent emails. Nothing. They had not recieved anything!

Let me know if any of you have had the same problems concerning gmail...


Friends & Design

Started on a new business card design for a friend today.
- Funny, because designing for friends is harder than designing for a client that I have no attachment or relationship to. I feel like I really want to wow the person with a design, but I have the constant luck of getting friends who are VERY picky on what they like, and they always seem to have a preset idea of what they want the design to look like, and its hard sometimes to get across that what they are thinking does not translate well in real life to a design.

Other Developments -
I have to remember to get signed up for Love Modesto's stuff on the 20th of this month. I think I am leaning towards participation in the parks clean-up... Since our city budget has been cut pretty lean, especially in the area of public parks and recreation.

I found this color scheme website the other day.
Worth a look for any designers.
I found the ability to download a palette for Photoshop very useful.


Mole People


I had never really touched on studying in any detailed way the supposed "Mole People".

I had realized that there was some sort of truth to the theory of people dwelling and living in abandoned subways and tunnels, typically in NYC, and other, larger cities with significant underground tunnels and by-ways.

I wonder how true a lot of the stories written are?

Here are several articles I found on the subject:

Links and Artwork

Here are some recent links to verious artwork and projects that I have worked on in the past. Most of the stuff is pretty dated. I need to update my portfolio very badly.

The new start

Well, I am pushing all my previous blogs to the side, and starting this one. This one will be the most updated and current blog for me.

I have recently been attempting to run a freelance grpahic design endeavour, with some limited amounts of success here in the Valley. I have been pursuing clients in the Bay and its surrounding areas, all the way to here in the middle of the Central Valley.

Well, recently I have been growing very fond of the idea of uprooting here and moving to Seattle, Wa.

I have never been, and I would really like to see the place of course, before I make the discision to get out there. Its a very enticing idea for me. I am really enamored with the idea of completly changing my surroundings and getting a new fresh start somewhere that is very different from where I have spent my life growing up. I really am sick of my town. (Modesto, CA)

I find myself more and more dwelling on the idea of giving this a go.

Some more research into the idea is most certianly due.

If anyone has any ideas or lives in Seattle, let me know what you think.